2023 | Josef KA | The Finnish Bride

11.- 31. Mai 2023

The Finnish Bride, a mesmerizing photo project that delves into the essence of Finnish culture, is a profound exploration of reality through the artistic lens. Crafted by the renowned performance and visual artist Josef Ka and visual artist and curator Mark Maher, this interdisciplinary project is a tribute to the life and poetic prowess of Edith Södergran, a celebrated Finnish poet.

Having immersed themselves in Finnish culture for an extensive period, Josef Ka and Mark Maher have assimilated the country's singular landscape and culture into their daily lives, infusing their art with a remarkable depth of emotion and authenticity. As a constituent of Josef Ka's broader oeuvre dedicated to the revered poet Edith Södergran, The Finnish Bride is a sublime visual manifestation of the inspiration she drew from Södergran's life and literary work.


www.eskargoeskargo.com, www.markmaherartist.com, www.iamedithsodergran.com


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2023 | Josef KA | The Finnish Bride
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